tsGL – Improvements

I worked a bit more on tsGL over the last few days, and managed to clean up a few things that were really bothering me! So far progress has been relatively smooth and it’s actually turning out quite well! So, what changed?

TSGL’s lighting code is much cleaner now, and seems to work pretty well! Lighting is broken down into a multi-pass system which allows for an arbitrary number of lights to be applied to each object. Take this scene, for example…


tsGL – a scene featuring three point lights. Red, blue, and white.

This scene features three realtime lights, a red light in the back left corner, a blue light behind the camera, and a white light above the scene. All of these lights are drawn as “point-lights”, meaning that they act as omnidirectional sources.

First, the scene is drawn with no lights applied. This is important to capture shader-specific details on each object, such as emissive textures, reflections, and unlit details.

Next, lights are sorted based on their “importance”. This is calculated based on distance to the object being rendered and the intensity of the light. If there’s a large, bright light shining on an object, it will be drawn first, followed by all other lights until we’ve either reached the maximum allowed number.

Then, light parameters are packed into a 4×4 matrix. This may seem odd, but it also means that all attributes of a light can be passed as a single input to the GLSL shader. This allows for a large amount of flexibility in designing shader programs, as well as the convenience of not requiring several uniform variables to be defined in each one.

The Vertex Shader calculates a set of values useful for lighting, mainly the per-vertex direction of incident light, and the attenuation of brightness over distance. These are calculated per-vertex because it reduces the number of necessary calculations significantly, and small imperfections due to interpolation over the triangle are largely imperceptible!


Attenuation of one of the light in the scene, visualized in false color. Ranges from red (high intensity) to green (low intensity)

By scaling the intensity of the light with the square of the distance from the source, lights will appropriately grow dimmer as they are moved farther from an object. The diffuse component of the light is also calculated per-fragment using the typical Lambertian reflectance model, and ensures that only the “light-facing side” of objects are shaded. In the above image, the intensity of a red light throughout the scene is visualized in false color, and the final diffuse light calculation is shown on the bottom right.

Awesome, but at this point our scene is just an unlit void! How do we combine the output of each light pass into a final image?

By exploiting OpenGL blend-modes, we can produce exactly the effect we want! OpenGL allows the programmer to specify an active “blend-mode”, essentially determining how new data is written to the display buffer! This is primarily used for rendering transparent objects. A window pane for instance, would need to be rendered over top of the rest of a scene, and would mix the background color with the color of the glass itself to produce a final color! This is no different!

For these lights, the OpenGL Blend Mode is set to “additive”. This will literally add together the colors of every object drawn, which in the case of lights is just what we need. Illumination is a purely additive process, and it is impossible for a light to make things darker. Because of this, simply adding the effects of several lights together will output the illuminated scene as a whole! The best part is that it works without having to pass an array of lighting information to the shader, or arbitrarily limiting the number of available lights based on hardware! While the overhead of rendering an additional pass is non-trivial, it’s a small price to pay for the flexibility allowed by this approach.

Here, we can see the influence of each of the three lights.


The additive passes of each of the three lights featured in the scene above. By summing together these three images, we obtain the fully illuminated scene.

At the end of the day, we end up with a process that looks like this.

  1. Clear your drawing buffers. (erases the previous frame so we have a clean slate.)
  2. Draw the darkened scene.
  3. Sort the lights based on their “importance”.
  4. Set the blend mode to “additive”.
  5. For each light in the scene (in order of importance)
    1. Draw the scene again, illuminated by the light.
  6. We’re done! Display the buffer!

This solution isn’t perfect, and more powerful techniques have been described in recent years, but given the restrictions of WebGL, I find this technique to work quite well. One feature I would like to add is for the scene to only draw objects effected by a light in the additive pass, rather than the entire scene over again. This allows us to skip any calculations that would not effect an object in some way, and may increase performance, though without further testing, it’s difficult to say for sure.

This is always a fun feature to add, because it can have incredibly apparent results. Cubemaps are essentially texture-maps that exist on all sides of a cube. Rather than sampling a single point for a color, you would sample a direction, returning the color at that “angle” within the cube. By providing an image for each face, a cubemap can be built to represent lighting information, the surrounding environment, or whatever else would require a 360 texture lookup!


Example of a cubemap, taken from “LearnOpenGL.com”

tsGL now supports cubemaps as a specific instance of a “texture”, and they can be mapped to materials and used identically in the engine! One of the clever uses of a cubemap is called “environment mapping”, which essentially boils down to emulating reflection by looking up the color of the surrounding area in a precomputed texture. This is far more efficient than actually computing reflections dynamically, and plays much more nicely within the paradigms of traditional computer graphics! Here’s a quick example of an environment-mapped torus running in tsGL!


An environment-mapped torus, showcasing efficient reflection.

Now that cubemaps are supported, it’s also possible to make reflective and refractive materials efficiently, so shader programs can be made much more interesting within the confines of the engine!

Render Textures
Another nifty feature is the addition of render textures! By essentially binding a “camera” object to a texture, it is possible to render the scene into that texture, instead of onto the screen! This texture can then be used like any other anywhere in the drawing process, which means it’s possible to do things like draw a realtime security camera monitor in the scene, or have a mirror with realtime reflections! This can get quite costly, so it is best used sparingly, but the addition of this feature opens the door to a wide variety of other cool effects!

With the addition of both cubemaps and render textures, I hope to get shadow-mapping working in the near future, which would allow objects to appropriately cast shadows when illuminated in the scene, which was previously infeasible!

And now, the boring stuff – HTML
The custom HTML tag system has been improved immensely, and now makes much more sense. Entity tags may now be nested to define object hierarchies, and arbitrary parameters can be provided as child-tags, rather than attributes. This generally makes the scene documents far more legible, and makes adding new features in the future much easier.

Here’s a “camera” object, for example.

<tsgl-entity id=”main_camera”>
<tsgl-component type=”camera”>
<tsgl-property type=”number” name=”fov” value=”80″></tsgl-property>
<tsgl-property type=”number” name=”aspect” value=”1.6″></tsgl-property>
<tsgl-component type=”transform”>
<tsgl-property type=”vector” name=”position” value=”0 2 0″></tsgl-property>

Previously, the camera parameters would have been crammed into a single tag’s attributes, making it much more difficult to read, and much more verbose. With the addition of tsgl-property tags, attributes of each scene entity can now be specified within the entity’s definition, so all of those nice editor features like code-folding can now be exploited!

This part isn’t exactly fun compared to the rendering tests earlier, but it certainly helps when attempting to define a scene, and add new features!

That’s all for now! In the meantime, you can check out the very messy and very unstable, tsGL on GitHub if you want to try it for yourself, or experiment with new features!

tsGL – An Experiment in WebGL


For quite some time now, I’ve been extremely interested in WebGL. Realtime, hardware-accelerated rendering embedded directly in a web-page? Sounds like a fantastic proposition. I’ve dabbled quite a bit in desktop OpenGL and have grown to like it, despite its numerous… quirks… so it seemed only natural to jump head-first into WebGL and have a look around!

So, WebGL!
I was quite surprised by WebGL’s ease of use! Apart from browser compatibility (which is growing better by the week!) WebGL was relatively simple to set up. Initialize an HTML canvas context, and go to town! The rendering pipeline is nearly identical to OpenGL ES, and supports the majority of the same features as well! If you have any knowledge of desktop OpenGL, the Zero-To-Triangle time of WebGL should only be an hour or so!

Unfortunately, WebGL must be extremely compatible if it is to be deployed to popular web-browsers. This means that it has to run on pretty much anything with a graphics processor, and can’t rely on the user having access to the latest and greatest technologies! For instance, when writing the first draft of my lighting code, I attempted to implement a deferred rendering pipeline, but quickly discovered that multi-target rendering isn’t supported in many WebGL instances, and so I had to fall back to the more traditional forward rendering pipeline, but it works nonetheless!


A textured scene featuring two point lights, and an ambient light.

Enter TypeScript!
I’ve never been particularly fond of Javascript. It’s actually quite a powerful language, but I’ve always been uncomfortable with the syntax it employs. This, combined with the lack of concrete typing can make it quite difficult to debug, and quite early on I encountered some issues with trying to multiply a matrix by undefined. By the time I had gotten most of my 3D math working, I had spent a few hours trying to find the source of some ugly, silent failures, and had decided that something needed to be done.

I was recommended TypeScript early in the life of the project, and was immediately drawn to it. TypeScript is a superset of Javascript which employs compile-time type checking, and a more familiar syntax. Best of all, it is compiled to standard minified Javascript, meaning it is perfectly compatible with all existing browsers! With minimal setup, I was able to quickly convert my existing code to TypeScript and be on my way! Now, when I attempt to take the cross product of a vector, and “Hello World”, I get a nice error in the Javascript console, instead of silent refusal.

Rather than defining an object prototype traditionally,

var MyClass = ( function() {
function MyClass( value ) {
this.property = value;
this.prototype.method = function () {
alert( this.property );
return MyClass;

One can just specify a class.

class MyClass {
property : string;
constructor( value : string ) {
this.property = value;
method () {
alert( this.property );

This seems like a small difference, and honestly it doesn’t matter very much which method you use, but notice that property is specified to be of type string. If I were to construct an instance of MyClass and attempt to pass an integer constant, a compiler error would be thrown, indicating to me that MyClass instead requires a string. This does not effect the final Javascript, but reduces the chance of making a mistake while writing code significantly, and makes it much easier to keep your thoughts straight when coming back to a project after a few days.

When trying to decide on how to represent asset metadata, I eventually drafted a variant on XML, which would allow for simple asset and object hierarchies to be defined in “scenes” that could be loaded into the engine as needed. It only took a few seconds before I realized what I had just described was essentially HTML. From here I looked into the concept of “Web-Components” a set of prototype systems that would allow for more interesting UI and DOM interactions in modern web browsers. One of the shiny new features proposed is custom HTMLElements, which allow developers to define their own HTML tags, and associated Javascript handlers. With Google Chrome supporting these fun new features, I quickly took advantage.

Now, tsGL scenes can be defined directly in the HTML document. Asset tags can be inserted to tell the engine where to find certain textures, models, and shaders. Here, we initialize a shader called “my-shader”, load an OBJ file as a mesh, and construct a material referencing a texture, and a uniform “shininess” property.

<tsgl-shader id=”my-shader” vert-src=”/shaders/test.vert” frag-src=”/shaders/test.frag”></tsgl-shader>

<tsgl-mesh id=”my-mesh” src=”/models/dragon.obj”></tsgl-mesh>

<tsgl-material id=”my-material” shader=”my-shader”>
<tsgl-texture name=”uMainTex” src=”/textures/marble.png”></tsgl-texture>
<tsgl-property name=”uShininess” value=”48″></tsgl-property>

We can also specify our objects in the scene this way! Here, we construct a scene with an instance of the “renderer” system, a camera, and a renderable entity!

<tsgl-scene id=”scene1″>
<tsgl-system type=”renderer”></tsgl-system>

<tsgl-component type=”camera”></tsgl-component>
<tsgl-component type=”transform” x=”0″ y=”0″ z=”1″></tsgl-component>

<tsgl-entity id=”dragon”>
<tsgl-component type=”transform” x=”0″ y=”0″ z=”0″></tsgl-component>
<tsgl-component type=”renderable” mesh=”mesh_dragon” material=”mat_dragon”></tsgl-component>

Entities can also be fetched directly from the document, and manipulated via Javascript! Using document.getElementById(), it is possible to obtain a reference to an entity defined this way, and update its components! While my code is still far from production-ready, I quite like this method! New scenes can be loaded asynchronously via Ajax, generated from web-servers on the fly, or just inserted into an HTML document as-is!

Future Goals
I wanted tsGL to be a platform on which to experiment with new web-technologies, and rendering concepts, so I built it to be as flexible as possible. The engine is broken into a number of discreet parts which operate independently, allowing for the addition of cool new features like rigidbody physics, a scripting interface, or whatever else I want in the future! At the moment, the project is quite trivial, but I’m hoping to expand it, test it, and optimize it in the near future.

At the moment, things are a little rough around the edges. Assets are loaded asynchronously, and the main context just sits and complains until they appear. Rendering and updating operate on different intervals, so the display buffer tears like tissue paper. OpenGL is forced to make FAR more context switches than necessary, and my file parsers don’t cover the full format spec, but all in all, I’m quite proud of what I’ve managed to crank out in only ten or so hours of work!

If you’d like to check out tsGL for yourself, you can download it from my GitHub page!

Building a Mobile Environment for Unity

Environments are incredibly important in games. Whether it’s a photo-realistic depiction of your favorite city or an abstract void of shapes and color, environments help set the mood of a game. Lighting, color, and ambient sounds are all instrumental in the creation of an immersive and convincing world. They can be used to subtly guide the players to their objective (ever noticed how the unlocked door is almost always illuminated, while locked doors are in shadow?), or even provide contextual clues about the history of a world. I’ve always been fascinated with environments and, while I wouldn’t exactly consider myself an environment artist, I’ve spent some time working on quite a few.

Mobile games are a challenge. Smartphones keep getting faster, but as processor speeds rise, so too do the expectations of the player. Mobile environments now need to look fleshed out and detailed, while still playing at a decent frame-rate. You need to fake the things you can’t render, and you need to design around the things you can’t fake.

So! With that said, let’s take a look at a Unity environment.

This runs pretty well on mobile! It’s capped at 60 frames per second on my iPhone 5s (Video frame-rate is lower due to the video capture), and runs even faster on newer models. So, what does our scene look like? How can we take advantage of Unity 5’s built in optimizations? Let’s start with the basics.


This level consists of a few meshes, instanced dozens of times. I initially planned the environment to work as a “kit”, a single set containing a number of smaller meshes to be used in different ways. All of the meshes in an individual kit share the same visual theme so that they can be used interchangeably. This scene, for example, is a single kit called env_kit_factory. One of the advantages of this approach is total modularity. Building new environments can be done entirely in the editor, and incredibly quickly. This is not only faster than having your artists sculpt huge pieces of geometry, but also allows you to exploit the benefits of Unity’s Prefab system. Changing a material in the prefab will automatically update all instances in the scene, without having to manually replace all instances in a large level.


Every asset used in the “factory” environment.

The modularity of this geometry is useful for level construction as well. By building assets that fit together, maintain a consistent visual aesthetic, and don’t contain recognizable writing or symbols, assets can be combined in unique ways and often in configurations the artist never intended. Here’s an example. This piece of floor trim can be used as a supporting column, a windowsill, a loading dock, or whatever else you can come up with, and it looks reasonably decent.

asset reuse.gif

This wouldn’t work quite so well if the trim were modeled as part of the wall. The wall wouldn’t tile vertically for one thing, far more varieties of walls would be necessary to break up the repetition, and it would generally just be harder to work with. Allow small detail objects and decals to provide unique markers that level designers can place anywhere, instead of trying to build a hundred different versions of the same brick wall.

I used decal meshes extensively. These are essentially “stickers” that can be placed in your scene to break up the monotony of a tiled surface, and provide much more specific details than you may want to build into a modular set-piece.

leaky pipes.png

Leaky pipe decals used to disguise the seams between the pipes and the wall.

Here, we can see a set of copper pipes, and apparent water damage down the wall where they meet. This is achieved entirely with decals, and required little to no extra work, but makes the environment feel a bit more cohesive. These decals also introduce visually unique patterns that help draw the eye away from the otherwise repetitious brick pattern.

crushed boxes.png

Decals can be used to hint at purpose and story as well as provide interesting visuals. Here we can see more water damage, and this time not just from leaking pipes. These cardboard boxes look haphazard and temporary, but the damp paper and thick dust allude to years of neglect. Subtleties like this can really make an environment feel more complete, and with careful thought can be implemented without too much additional work on the part of the artist.


I took great care when designing the factory kit to reuse textures as much as I could. For one thing, it’s an interesting challenge, but more importantly, it allows us to take advantage of Unity’s built in optimizations. All textures are at 1024 x 1024 resolution, and function as large atlases for significant portions of the environment.


All textures used in the scene (not including secondary maps)

Here we can see that all walls, floors, bits of concrete and metals share the same texture and material setup. The advantage is twofold. First, it helps maintain a consistent aesthetic. Every brick wall in the entire scene will be colored the same, and minor changes to that texture will be carried over to the rest of the kit. This is much easier than trying to keep a dozen different brick textures in sync, and if done well can still look great.

The second advantage is based in rendering performance. Modern graphics hardware is incredibly good at drawing things. Massive parallelism is designed directly into GPUs, and it works extremely well for vertex and fragment processing. What graphics cards aren’t good at is preparing to draw things. Let’s look at how a typical model might be rendered.

  1. LOAD – ModelView matrix to local memory
  2. LOAD – Projection matrix to local memory
  3. LOAD – Albedo texture to local memory
  4. LOAD – Vertex attributes to local memory
  5. USE – Albedo texture
  6. USE – Vertex attributes
  7. RUN – Vertex shader
  8. RUN – Fragment shader

Wow, even for a high-level overview that’s surprisingly complex! Every time you send data to the graphics card, that data has to be copied over from main memory to video memory. This is an extremely slow operation when compared to actually processing fragments and writing them to the framebuffer! Luckily graphics specifications like OpenGL and DirectX do not reset the state of the hardware whenever drawing is finished. If I tell the API to “use texture 5”, it will (or should, at least) keep using texture 5 until I tell it to stop. What this means is that we can organize our drawing operations in such a way that we minimize the number of times we need to copy data back and forth. If we’re drawing 100 objects that all use Texture 5, we can just set Texture 5 once and draw all 100 objects, instead of naively and redundantly setting it 99 additional times.


A breakdown of the batches used when rendering the scene.

The Unity game engine is actually pretty good at this! Objects that share textures will be grouped together in batches to minimize state changes, and in some cases can dramatically improve performance. There are several hundred objects in this scene, but only around 30 GPU state changes. Stepping through the Unity “Frame Debugger”, we can see that  enormous portions of the scene are rendered as one large chunk, which keeps the state switching to a minimum, and allows the graphics processor to do its thing with minimal interruption!


Lighting is extremely important to convey the look and feel you’re trying to get across in your scene. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most computationally expensive aspects of rendering a scene.

To dust off one of my favorite idioms about optimization, “The fastest code is code that never runs at all”. We’d all love a thousand dynamic lights fluttering around our scene, but we’re restricted in what we can do, especially on a mobile device. To circumvent the performance issues associated with real-time lighting, all lighting in the scene is either “baked or faked”.

A common technique, as old as realtime rendering itself, is the concept of a lightmap. If the lighting in a scene never changes, then there’s no reason to be performing extremely expensive lighting calculations dozens of times a second! That rock is sitting under a lamp, and it’s not going to get any less bright as long as it stays there, and the lamp remains on! This is the basic idea behind lightmapping. We can calculate the lighting on every surface in our scene once before the program is even running, and then just use the results of those calculations in the future! We “Bake” the lighting into a texture map, and pass it along with all of the others when we render our scene.


The lightmaps used in the factory scene.

Lightmapping has its disadvantages. The resolution of the baked lighting often isn’t as good as a realtime solution by the nature of it operating per-texel, rather than per-pixel, and more complex effects like specular highlights and reflections are tricky if not impossible, but that’s a small price to pay for the performance gain of baked lighting.

I wanted the scene to feel stuffy and old, so I decided that the air in the room should appear to be filled with dust. Unfortunately, this means that light needs to scatter convincingly, and subtly. True volumetric lighting has only recently become feasible in a realtime context, but it is still far from simple on a mobile device! To get around this, I faked the symptoms with some of the oldest tricks in the book.


Comparison of the scene with fog enabled and disabled.

First, I applied a “fog” effect. This technique, commonly seen in old N64 and PS1 games is often used to disguise the far clip plane of the camera, and add a greater sense of depth to the scene by fading to a solid color as objects approach a certain threshold distance. I liked the look of this effect when applied to the scene, as it makes the air feel thicker than normal, and gives it a hazy feel.

light shafts.png

Next, I built fake “lightshafts”. A common technique used to depict light diffusing through dust or smoke. These may look fancy, but it’s really just a mesh with a custom shader applied.


By scrolling the color of a texture slowly on one axis, while keeping its alpha channel fixed, it’s possible to make the shafts of light appear to waver slightly and gently shift between multiple shapes, exactly as if something in the air were slowly moving past the light source! This effect essentially boils down to a glorified particle effect, but it is quite convincing when used in conjunction with fog!

Wrapping Up:

  • Game environments are extremely difficult, and I’ve still got a lot to learn, but I hope some of these tips can help others when designing scenes! Remember…
  • Reuse and repurpose assets. A little bit of thought can go a long way, so plan out your assets before getting started, and you’ll find it much easier to work on later on.
  • Build environments modularly. By assembling assets into kits, not only will your level designers thank you, but building new environments becomes trivially easy.
  • Atlas textures. On mobile devices, texture memory is limited, and GPU context switches can be extremely slow. Try to consolidate your textures as much as possible to reduce overhead.
  • Bake lightmaps. The performance gain is enormous, and with the right additions, you can make something very convincing!

Thanks for sticking with me for the duration of this article, and to everyone out there building fantastic Unity games, keep up the good work!
